Nancy Grace Horton

Photography Based Artist

Now Represented by Jessica Hagen Fine Art

Newport Art Museum Adds My Work to Their Permanent Collection

Thank you to Francine Weiss, Senior Curator at the Newport Art Museum, for including my Ms. Behavior series in the exhibition Domestic Affairs. I am pleased to announce the museum’s purchase of my images Hot and Independence (see them below) from that show for their permanent collection. It has been a pleasure working with everyone at the museum and getting to know the other artists in Domestic Affairs.

Nancy Grace Horton’s work is humorous, meaningful, and visually rich. It is very much of this moment in contemporary American life as it comments on gender roles and portrayals of women in visual culture. Most importantly, it makes all us want to Ms. Behave a little.
— Francine Weiss, Senior Curator, Newport Art Museum

I'm very proud to report that Jessica Hagen Fine Art of Newport, Rhode Island, now represents my work. Click here to read a conversation between Jessica and myself.

2013 Lenscratch

LENSCRATCH, September 21, 2013

Nancy Grace Horton: Ms. Behavior and Mad Women

L E N S C R A T C H is considered one of the 10 Photography-Related blogs you should be reading by Source Review,, Rangefinder and InStyle Magazine. 

Aline Smithson-Lenscratch

© Nancy Grace Horton 2025, all rights reserved